Construction is to begin June 5 for a roundabout at Cosgray Road and Woodsview Way that is to result in the full closure of Cosgray Road at the intersection for eight weeks.
The project is to improve traffic flow, reduce the speed of vehicles, and enhance safety, particularly in the residential area of the corridor, according to Hilliard Deputy Engineer Letty Schamp.
The project includes the extension of the shared-use path on the west side Cosgray Road, south to Scioto Darby Road, as well as street resurfacing, street lighting and crosswalk improvements.
The project is expected to complete and Cosgray Road to reopen before Hilliard City Schools opens for the start of the next school year on Aug. 22.
Six contractors bid on the project after it was advertised in September 2022.
The bids were open in October and ranged between $3.6 and $4.3 million.
The engineer’s estimate for the project was $4.4 million.
Miller Brothers Construction, Inc. was determined the lower and best bidder, according to a memo from city staff.
Hilliard City Council approved a resolution in October authorizing the city to enter into a contract with Miller Brothers Construction, Inc.
The contract includes a base bid of $3.6 million with a 10% contingency.
A separate contract with Prime AE for professional services in the amount of $350,000 raises the final, total construction cost to an amount not to exceed $4.3 million.
Motorists will be detoured from Scioto-Darby Road using either Elliott Road, to the west of Cosgray Road, or Leppert Road, to the east of Cosgray Road, north to Hayden Run Road to access Cosgray Road north of the closure.
The detour from Hayden Run Road is the same but in the opposite direction.
Access to the Hilliard Ray Patch Family YMCA will be maintained on Creekbend Drive between Parkmeadow Lane and Woodsview Way.
Access to Homestead Metro Park is to be limited to Cosgray Road, north of the closure.
Groundwork on the roundabout began more than five years ago.
In November 2017, Hilliard entered into a professional services agreement with Arcadis U.S. which included a feasibility study, engineering, right-of-way acquisition, permitting, and services during construction.
In September 2018, a public meeting was held to solicit feedback from the public on two different alternatives for corridor: a roundabout corridor and a signalized intersection corridor.
The public was in favor of the roundabout corridor; therefore, design of the Priority 1 improvements, which included a roundabout at the Woodsview Way intersection and connection of the shared-use path on the west side of Cosgray Road, commenced in 2019, according to the staff memo in support of the project.
Hilliard acquired the property for the project in September 2020 and applied for funding through the Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) in September 2021. Hilliard was awarded up to $999,990 in grant funds through the Local Transportation Improvement Program (LTIP) to cover 23% of the eligible project costs after which project plans and specifications were completed in September 2022.
Actually more a comment on the podcast but..
With the caveat that I understand nothing works perfectly 100% of the time in everyone's opinion, I would gladly argue that the double roundabout on Main St is at least "life changing" better than the stop lights. No I don't understand why they ever turned on the stop light just to the West, and some of the flow seems to depend on local understanding and practices/courtesies but it is so much better than "back in the day" that I still appreciate them every single day.