With the caveat that I understand nothing works perfectly 100% of the time in everyone's opinion, I would gladly argue that the double roundabout on Main St is at least "life changing" better than the stop lights. No I don't understand why they ever turned on the stop light just to the West, and some of the flow seems to depend on local understanding and practices/courtesies but it is so much better than "back in the day" that I still appreciate them every single day.
Actually more a comment on the podcast but..
With the caveat that I understand nothing works perfectly 100% of the time in everyone's opinion, I would gladly argue that the double roundabout on Main St is at least "life changing" better than the stop lights. No I don't understand why they ever turned on the stop light just to the West, and some of the flow seems to depend on local understanding and practices/courtesies but it is so much better than "back in the day" that I still appreciate them every single day.